Saturday, July 11, 2009

We decided to spend our saturday going to Mt. Vernon. The drive there and back is SO pretty, and we've decied Virginia is probably one of the prettiest states in the country!
Bryan came up her to sit on a rock and look at the view only to find a gigantic snake right below him. This was not garden snake this was no joke-we didn't take a picture in fear it would jump out and attack us.
This was just a quick stop on the way home

These are some ugly little creatures we saw just hanging out. We hope this isn't what the little mouse we found in our house last night will grow up to become-that is if he can withstand the temptation of the mouse poisin we put out for him to nibble on-we're sorry little mouse in our house but we are out to kill you.

This was just a cute path we saw, but there were paved bike trails that went on for miles-we both wished we had a bike to use on them

Here is George Washington's house. We also went on a slave tour that talked all about the slaves of George Washington, it was really interesting. When he was 11 his Dad died so he inherited like 12 slaves that he owned. I can't imagine being a man having to listen to orders from a 12 year oldIts been fun to experince all this history stuff.

This was one of Washingtons modes of transportation oh and he never had wooden teeth-I learned that today

This is the view washington had outside his back porch. I guess this makes up for having anouthouse as a bathroom. Oh, and laundry back then was considered a dangerous task.

All in all another weekend well spent in DC! This was much needed considering Bryan went to work Thursday at 6:30am and returned home Friday around 4:00pm he slept from 3:00 am to 5:00 am-not to mention getting home around 10:30 monday, 9:45 tues, and 8:00 wed. and leaving around 6:30 each morning -he came home and crashed!


Lynsi said...

I love to see what life is like out there, so keep up the posts! Seriously it is so beautiful, can't wait to visit! Sounds like you guys are BUSY BUSY!!!!! You two are amazing!

White Family said...

Glad to know you are fitting in some much-needed time together! You will never run out of interesting things to do while you are there.....especially when you have such little time to play.
Love you two.

Bryan and Shelly Barney said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast with what little time together you have. I went to George Washingtons house my junior year and saw Richard Driefus there recording a history movie. It was quite funny. It looks beautiful there. Glad you guys are enjoying it there. Love ya guys.

Piper said...

I'm glad to see you guys are having so much fun in DC already! Ryan and I will have to plan a trip down there to visit. It looks beautiful.

Steve and Shell said...

i love your updates! keep them coming!

vandj said...

I enjoy getting to know the east coast just by reading your blog. You always know how to make good use of your time. :)

Jena and Jason said...

Very cultural of you two. By the way Heidi you look fantastic.

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