Thursday, December 20, 2012

My nanny job is coming to an end, and I just wanted to put a few cute pictures up of the girls. They have become such good friends. They  get to see each other a  couple days in January and then we part.

 Here they are being kitty cats
 They like me to wrap them up like burritos. The clearly think it is pretty funny!

 On our way to the park.
 I saw them up here like this once yelling "nana nana boo boo" They had heard other kids yelling it and it made me laugh. They are growing into little girls!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our little gem!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Madison meets Santa

Last night was our ward Christmas party, and Madi got the special privilege to meet Santa. She hopped right onto his lap and before he really even said Hi, she said "I wanna a bike." Too bad we don't have much room for a bike, hopefully in 6 months we will!
 Here they are chatting
 Here Santa experience was much more successful this year than last!

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