Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Life here has been pretty good. Hannah turned 3 months yesterday. She is such a cutie. She is smiling and cooing like no ones business. She also laughed a few times, which was so cute. She turned over for the first time on Sunday, and she is becoming more aware and alert everyday. We can't get enough of that cute girl. Madison is so fun too. She likes to try and be funny, and then will ask "was that funny mom?"  Me and the girls keep busy going around the city and finding all sorts of fun things to do each day. The weather has been really nice, so getting outside is a priority. Bryan's residency is rapidly coming to an end, only 2  months left!

Madison decided these were the shoes that she needed to wear to the zoo, and several people asked me (well 2 different people) if they came like this. Let me assure you they did not, but alligator boots and flowers do seem to go well together

Here is Madison and her friend Brooks at the aviation museum. They have a lot of hands on things for the kids, like this airplane here they can hop in and "fly."

Bryan had work a few Saturdays ago, so I braved the crowds and took the girls to the Cherry Blossom parade. I am so glad I did, Madison had a great time.Nothing like high school marching bands, dancers, floats, big balloons, and all sorts of random things to make for an exciting morning.

We are always giving those cheeks kisses

Here we are on a  spur of the moment family adventure downtown on a Wednesday to see the cherry blossoms. Once there gone there gone, so we couldn't miss it! 

Here is Madison at the sculpture garden. I posted this elsewhere, but for journaling purposes here it is again. Madison fell in and got 100% submerged in this fountain here, then went running with her friends right after, and tripped in a big pile of dirt. Both times she needed comfort from mom, so I got some of the water and mud love. She was a mess, her skirt was so wet and muddy it was sagging off her, so I just let her run around in her shirt and diaper. Not my classiest moment. (not that I have too many classy moments)
The one below is sideways, but one thing I love about the zoo here (besides being free) is the sea lion exhibit. They have a daily feeding demonstration, and it reminds me of being at Sea World. It's like a mini vacation in the middle of my day.

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1 comment:

White Family said...

We can't hardly wait to see those cute little girls!! And you cute adults, as well!

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