Friday, February 18, 2011

Madison is officially 6 weeks old, and because she is growing up I decided she was ready to sit in the stroller like a big girl would. I hated that when we went on walks she would be in her car seat and couldn't see anything. She screamed the whole time I was strapping her in, but as you can see this is her at the end of our walk with a much better attitude.

She also sat in a bumbo chair for the first time. It's pretty cute!


Stacie said...

Ahh she's getting so big! Don't let her get any bigger till you come down to AZ. I can't believe how smiley she is for how young she is!

Tyler and Kelly White said...

She's getting old! I need to meet her. Why do we have to live sooo far apart?!

White Family said...

I love those sweet smiles! We miss you guys.

vandj said...

Wow, you are right she looks very aware, she is adorable, I'm sure you are enjoying your new life, I'M so happy for you. Motherhood rocks!

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